grades? appearances?

to the particular anonymous here:

guess you were from the 2+ years when i was in rgs. what did i do to earn your abhorrence?

i have to admit that i slept my days away and only looked to get passes so i could stay in the school. but see, since i'd done only that, i can't understand how i'd have offended anyone, really. if there is someone to have a reason to be unhappy with me, it ought to be the teachers because of the aforementioned reason right?

oh well. now that i think about it, i do feel a little sorry. did you try very hard to get into rgs, and harder just to survive? are you jealous that i didn't seem to have needed to do those things? are you so obsessed with me that you read through every article about me that had been in the media and googled for me to find my previous blog? why're you concerned about the modelling part which i haven't mentioned even a single bit for a very long time? should i be pitiful?

maybe, you are just plain sad. that like practically everyone else, you can't put your life in your hands and do what you want. you are among those who didn't know what they wanted at all but to study in a prestigious school and graduate to the next, and/or eventually marry to a rich husband and be a taitai (nothing wrong with that, by the way, i totally support it).

it's all about how you want your life to be, but seeing you're unhappy and have to take it out on me, there is perhaps a little more to it than just wanting to take the path of the last line i'd mentioned.