Last night I dreamt I was being chased by my editor for a comics anthology I'd started working on since August, and have zero page done so far.

He actually came to personally look for me. I so didn't want to open my door. *weeps* Without a choice I had to explain that I wanted to scrap the initial storyboard/photoshoot and wanted to do a 2page concept story, and then I showed him the shots from "of the Night" (which was indeed my 2nd attempt shoot for the anthology, but I later decided wasn't good enough for the submission).

I was (and am) so guilty. T_T

Once again weekend was spent completely on work, trying to do retouching for the photos due this week. Ah ah~ I think I overdid it, and to top it off with the amount of sleep I'd been losing over staying up to check on the X Japan ticketing information... I'm finally officially so unwell that I can't get out of bed.

Final details are not confirmed, but I should be heading to Tokyo at the end of march to mid-late April. Since I'm already spending a bomb on the whole thing, I might as well stay longer to organize a few shoots.

If there is anyone in Tokyo, or who is going to the concert and wanna hang out, feel free to drop me a note. ^^

For a while I'd been having enquiries for me to hold a workshop, I promise I am considering doing a small and manageable one this year.

Here's also a warm welcome to my blog's new readers~ *showers confetti* Please don't be shy and feel free to comment and leave your footsteps all over the pages.

I also had a dream about myself being very curious about what kind of students check my blog from MIT and Oxford. XDDDD