New York

I'm still trying to cultivate a habit of taking more travel pictures. And despite having finally borrowed a compact camera this trip, I still don't. =_=' This shot is stolen from my assistant Teresa's camera when she was taking behind-the-scenes for us last night.

Me in Times Square~

And Teresa.

Assistants and interns please be prepared when applying, thank you. =D

Backtracking a few days from before I went off to Yale. This is from the outfit shoot for Monoxious with Arissa.

I just love my Alice Auaa top so much~

Shopping with her~

Waiting for people on set

I was walking across the road back to the team and Teresa took this. It's so ridiculous and funny and I love it. :3

Forest Hills~ Around my neighbourhood :3

The hairpins sisters, hair styled courtesy of Furqan. Hahaa.